Based on conversations with Support, it seems that emails are only validated when they are first moved to Outplay, unless you manually revalidate them.
So, there are two email validation requests:
  • Validate emails when prospect is added to sequence
  • Validate emails before email is sent in a sequence.
Reason for requests and use case are below:
For example, say you added a prospect to Outplay in 2023 and their email was validated when you put them in a sequence. Now, it's 2024 and you put the prospect in a new sequence, Outplay doesn't re-validate the email. This is problematic for industries with high turnover. So, on a sequence by sequence basis it would be useful to have the option to revalidate a prospect when they are put in the sequence. While you can manually revalidate the prospects in a campaign, if you're adding a few prospects per day to the sequence, it would be easier to make revalidation a default option.
Additionally, for sequences with longer durations (e.g. a drip campaign that lasts a year), it would be useful to have the option to revalidate before each send. This, because in industries with high turnover, bounce rates will increase throughout the year as people leave their companies.