Exciting news! A new enhancement has been made to your system, providing users with comprehensive access to the history of credit purchases both for Lead credits and Email validation credits. This feature enables you to effortlessly track and review essential information related to credit transactions.
Now, you can easily ascertain who made the credit purchase, whether it involved complimentary or paid credits. Furthermore, the date and time of each credit purchase are conveniently available for your reference. With this information readily accessible, users have a complete overview of their credit acquisition history right at their fingertips.
This upgrade enhances transparency and accountability within the system, allowing for better management and understanding of credit utilization. Whether for auditing purposes or simply keeping track of credit-related activities, this feature empowers users with valuable insights into the dynamics of credit transactions.
Feel free to explore this new functionality and leverage the detailed history of credit purchases to optimize your credit management strategies. If you have any questions or require further guidance on utilizing this feature, don't hesitate to reach out – happy exploring!